As of 31st January 2020, the United Kingdom has now left the EU, and is now in an 11th month transition period, scheduled to end in December 2020.
As we operate with EU Clients, the Brexit issue is a serious consideration to this business and similar businesses trading across the EU.
As such, we have devoted a webpage on it, to inform both existing and propospective Clients of how this situation may affect services delivery to the EU.
Please feel free to contact us with any discussion on this subject if you are an EU Client , in the first instance.
This page will be updated for any major changes of circumtances on the subject of Brexit.
What About Brexit?
How Brexit Affects Business
What About Brexit?
As most readers will note, the Brexit issue has been a highly controversial and much discussed topic since the referendum result in June 2016. Having now left, the EU, currently the British Government is still in talks with the EU about the details of a future relationship, and a deal has yet to be reached for the end of the transition period.
Depending on the outcome of these discussions, operationally, Brexit will have either a low or moderately high impact on the operational aspects of this business with EU Clients.
The biggest impact we anticipate, will of course be loss of free movement, and the right to work in the EU without a work permit or visa. However, this is in real terms simply an addtional piece of bureaucracy to consider.
Previous discussions with the EU however, yielded very positive discussions, with a transition period in operation until 31st December 2020 and the ability of any British citizen to continue working in the EU, with bilateral agreements ifor EU workers in Britain.
Total loss of access to the EU market will, however, clearly be a major impact to both us and any Client.
Seperate agreements have already been reached with Switzerland and members of the EEA EFTA (European Economic Area European Free Trade Agreement): Norway, Lichtenstein and Iceland.
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How Brexit Affects Business
Current Developments
Post December 2020
Current Developments
Working extensively with Clients since 2003 in the UK and EU, Switzerland and EEA EFTA, we have enjoyed working with our Clients' as a trusted partner in mainland Europe, and after Brexit, we sincerely hope to continue with this partnership long after 31st December 2020 when the transition period ends.
We are a global viewed business, working with a variety of nationalities and cultures, and will continue to do this after Brexit.
During this transition period, the UK effectively remains as part of the Customs Union and the EU Single Market, and continues to obey rules as set by the EU during the UK's time as a fully fledged EU member.
Currently, selling of services (as well as goods) is one of the four cornerstone principles of the EEA, with other models, such as a Free Trade Agreement (FTA), Customs Union (CU) and World Trade Organisation (WTO) model all providing lesser access to the EU markets in various magnitudes than a full EEA agreement.
Operationally, the emergence of Brexit will probably entail more bureaucracy for us and certainly after the implementation period, depending on the finalities of discussions between the EU and the United Kingdom, taking place during 2020.
This situation is in real terms will be no different to other countries where Foreign Nationals require visas to enter and work, for example the United State and China.
There may be, of course, inherent complexities depending on whether a deal or no deal is reached between the United Kingdom and the EU. Post December 2020, it will remain to be seen how the situation regarding free movement, right to work, and associated matters are, and this will now be decided during the transition period.
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Post December 2020
Depending on the outcome, the onus will be on this business to apply for (any) relevant paperwork to comply with legitimate operationi the EU. Cross border complexities such as non membership of the Customs Union shall have to be considered of course.
With the UK outside of the Eurozone, there is already a (partially transparent) fiscal bureaucratic issue already in place, and Brexit, if implemented coherently and seamlessly by the EU and UK in any agreements , should aim for a system that minimizes bureaucracy and encouraging co-operation and trade.
The result however is too be seen, and withdrawal from the EU is clearly a difficulty all UK businesses who deal with the EU will have to face, as well as EU businesses selling into the UK market.
Clearly any loss of free movement and the right to work across the EU will impact us, bureaucratically, but with the granting of a visa-less period until the 31st December 2020, when the transition period ends, as mentioned above, which is very helpful to us and our Clients.
We would however, like to reassure our EU Clients (both existing and prospective), that we will do everything we can to make this transition period and subsequent situation as un-intrusive as we possibly can on services delivery. A positive outcome with the EU in terms of freedom of movement and rights to work will be highly desirable.
We will try to ensure that we continue to deliver services to you in as seamless a manner as allowed, and trust that a mutually beneficial deal can be reached by both parties to enable our countries and businesses to continually work together post 31st December 2020.
As detailed above, agreements have already been reached with Swiss and EEA EFTA counties and thus, the situation is more certain and defined.
The actual difficulties of course remain with the final agreement reached between the EU and United Kingdom, but we hope both sides will work together to come to deal with minimum disruption to cross border business.
Whether you are an existing or prospective EU Client, if you have any questions, or would like to open a dialogue with us, on this please feel free to contact us. The final outcome is to be decided and we remain in anticipation of this, as much as our EU Clients and many other UK businesses.
We look forward to a continuing mutually beneficial relationship with our EU, EEA EFTA and global partners, existing and new.
Page last updated: 30.7.2020
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